The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Course For Beginners

Learn how to Make a passive income at home with Affiliate marketing...

This course gives you Affiliate marketing strategies that I have used to grow accounts to 1000's of followers — giving you the step by step plan to increase your followers, engagement and sales in 2019.

Your Instructor

Yassir Mahadi
Yassir Mahadi

Yassir Mahadi has been painting since 1998. He did photography and web development at Michigan States University and Graphic Design at Colifornia Institute of the Art through Coursera online program. He is an instructor at Udemy. At his free time he blogs about online marketing

Here I'm to share with you my strategy, as I know it can be very tedious to get high quality, updated and related content value all in one place

That is way I have created this affiliate marketing course step by step to help you throughout the amazing journey!


53+ students enrolled just in a week! 2,500+ followers per month/avg

What students are saying

Jabir Salah, Bloger ,

"This is an excellent course — definitely worth checking out!"If there is any easy way to make money online it is affiliate marketing

Your lesson are great because I don't have to spend hours study the platform. It is easy to navigate and understand under an hour

If you are looking for an easy way to make money online ,affiliate marketing is your way to go. I started a few Weeks a go and I have got lots of value in this course. I was very happy when I made my first sale in the first two weeks ,I love the course and I am looking forwards upgrade myself to the next level

This course has lots of value

I have always been looking for some guide to help me get self-employed but I found this course to be where my journey started, Yassir knows his job

Once More I love how the curriculum covers all the basics of affiliate marketing

"This is an excellent course — definitely worth checking out!"

- John Doe, Co-Founder, Impressive Company


7 Days Money Back Guarantee

This Course combines my very best affiliate marketing strategies into a fool-proof system that has worked for over 827 students. I'm confident you'll love this course, too.

But if for some reason you don't, then I’ll gladly give you a full refund and remove you from the course. Unlike most courses that only offer a 5 day guarantee (Or No guarantee at all!). I want to give you time to try my strategies and start seeing results. I am more than confident that this course will work for you, just as it has for hundreds of others.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What requirements do I need to take this Course?
You should be able to use a computer with Internet connection if not at list a smartphone. No prior knowledge in Affiliate Marketing is required, just to have an open mindset to learn You should have passion for acquiring new skills You should put in action what you learn to get the best results
I am brand new to affiliate marketing, will this course help me?
If you're completely new to affiliate marketing, this course is going to "be the only affiliate marketing course you'll ever need". You're going to get the marketing strategy, automation settings and business tactics
Does this course get updated frequently?
The course is always updated to work with any changes in affiliate marketing to keep your accounts followers growing quickly. In addition, we update the automation software settings to whatever is the best on the market.
Do I get support and help after joining?
You will get instant access to the private student group, where you can ask questions and get a response from me (Yassir Mahadi) and any other students who believe they can help. You can also ask questions in the comment section below each lesson or email me. I'm active on my email, the group and inside the course daily. ‍
Do I get support and help after joining?
You will get instant access to the private student group, where you can ask questions and get a response from me (Yassir Mahadi) and any other students who believe they can help. You can also ask questions in the comment section below each lesson or email me. I'm active on my email, the group and inside the course daily. ‍
Does this course work for any niche?
It sure does. The tactics, settings, tips and strategies in this course work for any niche
I do not have Money how can I get access to the course?
Well! You're right, money is always never enough I was once like any you, spending only 10 Dollar for the course I took about affiliate marketing was so much for me but now things are different I can earn hundreds for taking the right action. Now just ask yourself am I going to invest for knowledge that will help me earn thousands tomorrow or browse another course?

Action To Success!

If you are serious about affiliate marketing this course is designed with you in mind. It's helped hundreds of social media agencies, entrepreneurs, bloggers, influencers, artists and more. You will learn the core strategy for promoting your affiliate offers to gain exposure, which naturally leads to you gaining more followers. This has the bigger effect of you gaining social proof = more sales.

It's the only course containing this information, plus prove from other affiliates . I wanted to include only the critical strategies into a streamlined training center, so you can get instant results and focus on other important parts of your life.

Get started now!